Saturday, January 31, 2009

NST: Housemen lack basic know-how

Just want to share an article from NST, dated January 31, 2009 by Annie Freeda Cruez:

KUALA LUMPUR: Some medical universities, both local and overseas, are churning out doctors who cannot carry out common medical procedures, have no proper clinical exposure, cannot communicate effectively and cannot even take down the history of patients properly for diagnosis and treatment.
Senior medical consultants in government hospitals are now saddled with the task of having to retrain these people to ensure they meet the country's standard of medical practice.
Some of these fresh doctors are retained in their houseman training postings for years, some even up to six years, because they cannot meet the standards. The compulsory housemanship is two years.
In view of this problem, the Malaysian Medical Council has issued letters to all heads of department in government hospitals where housemen are posted to open a file on each of them, containing information on the university they graduated from, their performance and shortcomings.
It is learnt that by the end of the year, the MMC and Health Ministry will nail down the sub-standard medical universities and tell them to buck up.
Kuala Lumpur Hospital's Medical Department head, Datuk Dr Jeyaindran Sinnadurai, said housemen come from 300 medical colleges all over the world. These colleges churn out 1,200 doctors a year and this number is expected to increase to almost 2,000 next year.
"When they come back to work in Malaysia we have been forced to extend the period of housemanship from one year to two years in order to ensure the standard of medical practice is maintained in this country for the safety of our patients," he told the New Straits Times.
Dr Jeyaindran handles about 140 housemen a year and he noticed that some 15 per cent of them do not have enough experience to take down the medical history of patients.
"When they are taught to take the history properly and put the findings and various symptoms in a sequential order they can come to a proper diagnosis very rapidly," he said.
However, he added, this was seriously lacking in many new doctors because they have not been trained during their years in clinical exposure. Thus, during their housemanship training programme they needed to be retrained to do this properly.
"Because they have to be retrained, some of their postings are extended," he said.
Dr Jeyaindran has come up with a syllabus where a house officer must have core knowledge and experience before he leaves for his next posting."
A houseman who comes in for training should be able to manage hypertension, asthma, diabetes and common medical emergencies appropriately based on current clinical practice guidelines, besides acquiring adequate generic skills," he added.
He said some were never taught this properly during their years in medical school and hence they were taught and assessed in a fair and objective manner during their training.
"We want doctors to examine patients properly and not take notes from the nurses' chart.
"We also do not want doctors to be over-dependent on investigative procedures which is time-consuming and expensive.
"One loses the ability to use clinical acumen to make judgment when he becomes too dependent on procedures for a result and diagnosis," said Dr Jeyaindran.
He also expressed great concern that some house officers were not able to perform even the most common procedures such as setting up an intravenous line, central line, and inserting a chest tube.
There have been complaints from patients that there were housemen who cannot even draw blood for a blood test and had to seek the help of nurses.
"Miscommunication with patients can also lead to a lot of problem and this we have encountered with housemen," he said.
"To be a good doctor it is not how much knowledge you have... it is clinical acumen and the skills developed in treating a patient.
"Medicine is not black and white but lots of grey in between and in order to identify the grey areas the only way is the more you see, the more you do, the more you understand," he added. Dr Jeyaindran said housemen have become something like a production line.
"They come, they take some history of patients and go away."
They never come back to check whether their diagnosis of the patient was correct or wrong," he added.

Thank you Allah :)

Suatu malam, aku memandang ke langit,
"Subhanallah.." detik hatiku,
Allah itu Maha Mengetahui
mengetahui segala yang terkandung dalam hati hamba-hambaNya.
Thank you Allah..Thank you
hadiah buat diri drp penciptaNya
Buat diri,
LA TAHZAN : jangan bersedih
Allah SWT sentiasa bersamaMu..
Niatkan semuanya, Lillahi Taala :)

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Their confidentiality is our responsibilities..

Please..please..respect their confidentiality..

This place may not be the best place to post this, but I have no idea where else, so, I really hope, by any chance, 'you' may come across here and read this post..

Just now i just browsed through my friend's photos to update myself of 'A'..I was shocked to see that 'A' uploaded few photos of cadavers..I can clearly see the face of the cadavers.. "Ohh, this is VERY wrong, dear.."
As a medical student, I understand that we get excited when we first doing the dissection..Indeed, it is true..But, we should always remind ourselves that the body used to be a normal human, like us, before..My tutor used to say, whenever we want to touch the body, touch them WITH RESPECT, as if they were you grandpa or grandma (because most of cadavers in our dissection room are elderly ppl)..Plus, we are not allowed to say something 'bad' about the body, make jokes or something..One more point to ponder, when we were dissecting, we should put all of the *extras* like fats, skin, flesh, inside a special bowl, which will be collected until the body is ready to be returned to their family, am I right? This is what we have been practising at Monash, and Im pretty sure it will be the same elsewhere..The bowl will be specific, one bowl for one body..We are not allowed to throw away the *extras* at any dustbin or sink, right? But, hey, we should be thankful mate, there are persons like 'the body' that willing to donate their body so that we can learn something..Think of it..

I really hope that you will remove all the photos..Lets think, if the family of the body, by any chance, see the photos, they can sue you for your action, dear..I know, you have no intention to hurt anyone, but in this case, what I can say is that, "U are very wrong, dear.." So please..please remove the photos a.s.a.p. and learn a lesson; "Respect their confidentiality, mate.." TQ.

**Short message to my ukh tersayang: Busy ny akk sy sorg ni, lm kte tak contact kn..? takpe, sy faham, mesti penat kan..:) smg setiap urusan akk dipermudahkanNua..btw, sy pun dh sihat sepenuhnya, alhmdulillah..jzkk atas doa akk juga..take care ok? luv u FILLAH :)

Monday, January 19, 2009

Pesona Inteam

Pesona Dunia
Album : Tiada Lagi Kasih
Munsyid : In-Team
Indah dunia yang mempesona
Bagai dian terang menyala
Sehingga terlupa ?kan padam akhirnya
Dunia ini hanya pinjaman
Untuk menguji keimanan
Akhirat nanti yang menentukan
Balasan syurga ataupun neraka
Mengapakah dunia yang dikejari
Sedangkan ia ?kan ditinggal pergi
Apalah gunanya harta di sisi
Tika jasad terkubur terkaku mati
Bayangkanlah jika di dunia ini
Bekalan terhenti mudah dicari
Bagaimana pula di sana nanti
Tanpa bekal pahala kita yang rugi
Bersyukurlah sentiasa
Dengan apa yang ada
Adakala harta dunia
Belum tentu membantu kita
Menjadi bebanan dan menyusahkan

Monday, January 12, 2009

Selingan: kisah Ghazi dan basikalnya.. :)

One fine day, this boy sang happily, "Postman Pat, Postman Pat, Postman Pat and his black and white cat.."
*si kecik tu nama dia Monitor.

But..10 minutes later..? uh, kesiannya..

Waah, basikal baru! :D "but, where is your 'black and white cat', Postman Pat..?" hihi..

-the end-


Ghazi's homework :)

1. Demi masa.
2. Sungguh, manusia berada dalam kerugian,
3. kecuali orang-orang yang beriman dan mengerjakan kebajikan
serta saling menasihati untuk kebenaran dan
saling menasihati untuk kesabaran.

Masa diibaratkan sebagai pedang, "Kalau engkau tidak memotongnya, ia akan memotongmu.."


Saturday, January 10, 2009

Penyucian hati.. :)

Damba CintaMu (RAIHAN)

Tuhanku ampunkanlah segala dosaku
Tuhanku maafkanlah kejahilan hambaMu

Ku sering melanggar laranganMu
Dalam sedar ataupun tidak

Ku sering meninggalkan suruhanMu
Walau sedar aku milikMu

Bilakah diri ini kan kembali
Kepada fitrah sebenar
Pagi ku ingat petang ku alpa
Begitulah silih berganti

Oh Tuhanku
Kau pimpinlah diri ini
Yang mendamba cintaMu
Aku lemah aku jahil
Tanpa pimpinan dariMu

Ku sering berjanji depanMu
Sering jua ku memungkiri

Ku pernah menangis keranaMu
Kemudian ketawa semula

Kau Pengasih
Kau Penyayang
Kau Pengampun
Kepada hamba-hambaMu

Selangkah ku kepadaMu
Seribu langkah Kau pada ku

Tuhan diri ini tidak layak ke syurga Mu
Tapi tidak pula aku sanggup ke neraka Mu

Ku takut kepadaMu
Ku harap jua padaMu
Moga ku kan selamat dunia akhirat
Seperti rasul dan sahabat

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Ya Rabb..

Ya Rabbi
Berilah kekuatan kepada saudara-saudara kami di Gaza
Sesungguhnya doa kami sentiasa bersama mereka Insha Allah
Kami percaya segala janjiMu adalah PASTI

Ya Rabb..sesungguhnya Engkaulah yang Maha Berkuasa atas segalanya..
"Hanya gerhana..Bukan terbenamnya matahari.."

Monday, January 5, 2009

Sebuah karya: Aku, Israel dan Batu..

Kereta kebal kotor berkarat
Sedang aku bersenjatakan batu
Dia mengacukan machine gun
Aku mencebik benci

Dia kaget sendiri
Aku senyum menyindir
Di sangka aku takut
Rupanya engkau yang menggigil

Engkau memang bacul
Satu lawan satu
Aku pasti engkau kan cabut
Nasibmu baik
Kerna engkau berkereta besi
Tapi esok belum tentu
Batu tidak mampu
Kalahkan senjatamu
Itu logis kepercayaanmu
Jangan engkau lupa
Si Abrahah
Mati kerna batu

Keluarlah segera
Dari tanahairku
Sebelum engkau
Ditertawakan dunia
Andai nanti
kerna batu
Engkau binasa

Apakah usaha kita selama ini demi saudara-saudara kita di sana? Selemah-lemahnya, mari kita sama-sama memboikot barangan Israel..
Wahai saudaraku, di manakah kita di saat saudara-saudara kita menderita..?Doa kita buat saudara-saudara kita di Gaza, semoga Allah tabahkan hati-hati mereka, sesungguhnya janji Allah itu PASTI..mereka akan diusir dari negara itu sama seperti datuk nenek mereka diusir keluar satu ketika dahulu..

"Dan (ingatlah wahai Muhammad) ketika Tuhanmu memberitahu: Bahawa sesungguhnya Ia akan menghantarkan kepada kaum Yahudi itu, (terus menerus) hingga hari kiamat, kaum-kaum yang akan menimpakan mereka dengan azab sengsara yang seburuk-buruknya (disebabkan kejahatan dan kekufuran mereka). Sesungguhnya Tuhanmu amat cepat azab seksa-Nya, dan sesungguhnya Dia juga Maha Pengampun lagi Maha Mengasihani."
(Surah Al-A'raf : 167)

"Tidak akan berlaku kiamat sehinggalah orang-umat Islam berperang dengan orang-orang Yahudi (di sebuah tempat). Orang-umat Islam akan membunuh mereka beramai-ramai sehinggakan apabila mereka bersembunyi di sebalik batu dan pokok, tiba-tiba pokok-pokok dan batu-batu itu bersuara menjerit memanggil umat Islam agar membunuh orang-orang Yahudi itu, kecuali pokok 'Gharqad', kerana ia adalah pokok Yahudi".

Hadith sahih riwayat Al-Bukhari dan Muslim

Janji Allah itu PASTI..Peristiwa ini akan berlaku dan segala pengkhianatan Yahudi terhadap Islam dan manusia secara keseluruhannya akan tamat selama-lamanya..